Network Exchange
Network Exchange LLC, is dedicated to helping businesses like yours through our ongoing access to professional networking activities and expert resources designed to increase the reach and success of your business.
Network Exchange is committed to providing information, resources, and advertising channels to small businesses and assisting in networking within the community.
Our goal is to help businesses with limited exposure and time to network.
Our Philosophy
Your business is our businesses and we exist to help you succeed!
Our Principles
To provide information and raise awareness to people about your business. We live in an increasingly complex society with various cultures and different languages and it is not enough to convey a logo or an elevator speech. In today’s competitive market we want to maximize and broaden your business for many to understand.
More About Us
This organization was founded with the firm understanding that every business, regardless of its size, can take advantage of solid, proven promotional tools and expertise to drive their next level of growth and get their products and services off the ground. Many new and existing businesses struggle with finding reputable and reliable marketing, promotional, and new business support. We are ready to help!
Whether your business is big or small, we look forward to working with you to find the business solutions you’re looking for. Our specialty is providing companies with the tools needed to expand their businesses or launch new products and services with the insights of other talented professionals located online or throughout New Jersey.
The Leadership Team
Jessica Apgar
Founder and Chief Strategist
Kate Rafferty
Internet Marketing and Search Engine Optimization