To network in business it means, to expose your product, service, or company. Extrovert’s may welcome this social interaction while introverts may find it challenging. To build networking relationships it means to expose who you are and what you are about. Here are some networking basics to help you prepare your plan of action.

  • Focus on learning how others network
  • Identify what are the common interest you have on a personal level and on a professional level
  • Think about what you can offer to other businesses, in other words how you can help them.
  • Think about how you can express to others what they can do for you

When it comes to learning how others network you will quickly understand not many know what they are doing. They ramble on or share unnecessary information. Most don’t make an impression or keep one. This is due to lack of preparation and confidence. You can begin by preparing your elevator pitch and a subject you are familiar with. Perhaps something you learned recently or ask others how they practice networking. Begin a conversation that others can answer. If you are a good listener you will learn from others, if you like to talk about yourself make sure you always have something interesting to say.

To identifying common interest I suggest you look for personal interest as well as professional ones, be diverse and not limited. Focus on your emotional intelligence and not only intellectually. Have a balance when sharing information and notice who is providing more in the interaction. This will give you more things to talk about instead of only having one subject to share.

In addition, focusing on how you can help other businesses, will have an advantage when having to start conversations. Providing insight or new ideas on how you can improve someone else’s business is always welcome. However, note you will find very selfish people in business afraid to loose what they know to someone else. Have a balance in this as well and learn to discern.

Expressing how others can help you is an important aspect of networking. Most people don’t have the slightest idea on how to help you. Therefore, it’s helpful when you provide that information to them. Giving referrals is not always enough, it’s a lot more interesting when you have a why you would pick that business to help you. Get into the habit of introducing them as a person and their business. This will help them elaborate more on their business when necessary.

These are basic networking suggestions for those learning about networking and those who don’t know where to start.