Relationships have been an eternal enigma and continue to be an unresolved mystery. However, with so many divorces on the rise and relationships becoming so focused on the “I” “me I” position, relationships appear to be harder and harder to establish. Why is that? many believe it’s because women now can financially take care of themselves and no longer need the financial support therefore, make their own decisions. Others believe women are on a quest to being equal to men. Regardless of your position and beliefs, relationships are what you want them to be. They are based on what you know and what you believe. They are determined by your experiences and they continue to develop based on how you have handled your experiences. According to Divorce Mediation Resources, many couples enter a marriage without knowing what they are getting into and fail to ask the right questions.
Today, there is a lot of information in regards to relationships and how to deal with them however, we still continue to fail to ask the right questions when getting married or divorced. Lesley Stubock is a coach who understands break-ups and has developed a specialized coaching book for divorced women and for women who it wouldn’t hurt to understand how to avoid a divorce. Her book “The Dreaded “D” word: A woman’s Perspective On Divorce And Ending Relationships” is sure to give you insight and a new perspective on how to look at love.
Her exercise book will help you navigate and understand what your limiting beliefs are and how you can change them. When it comes to relationships if you are in the right state of mind you are surely going to make better decisions when choosing a partner. Knowledge is power and when you invest in knowing yourself and being clear on what you want or what it takes for you to be happy. You will understand how your decisions dictate your outcome. Give yourself the opportunity to learn about yourself and invest in gaining information that can change the way you think and the way you connect to your relationships.
If you have been wondering about why your relationships are not as fulfilling as you thought they should be or have been in the perpetual cycle of on and off relationships, now is the time to know why and how to change it. Relationship issues will soon be a thing of the past if you begin your journey into learning about what values and ideas you have that need immediate assistance. Coaching is for people who have a personal passion and therefore provide the greatest information that comes from the heart rather than a theory. Lesley Stubock from The “D” Word Coach has passion and experience ready to share with you. To contact Lesley and request her book email her at info@p2grow.com
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