Did you ever walk in the door of your home and suddenly felt that something wasn’t quite right or that the “vibe” was just off, only to find out later that someone in the house has been upset? Have you ever found yourself thinking about a friend you haven’t heard from in a while, and, out of the blue, they call you or text you, and say, “I was just thinking about you…” Think about when people ask for prayers for loved ones who are going through difficult times. These are examples of how we can sense and even receive the energy of the people we feel connected to. If we can send our support, thoughts, and compassion to others, then we can also welcome healing and balance by receiving it through distance healing.
Distance healing is the sending of balancing, regenerative energy over the air, just like radio or satellite waves, in order to kick-start the body’s natural healing process, to reduce stress and anxiety and even to improve sleep. It has been particularly sought after by bed-bound patients for easing pain and granting comfort, and many organizations, like the American Cancer Society, recommend energy healing sessions like Reiki to help patients deal with symptoms and side effects. Trained practitioners work to send healing energy to people and pets, with the client often experiencing warmth, tingling, and emotional release when they receive it. When combined with the peace you attain while in your “place of Zen,” you may find that distance healing can really rejuvenate your body and soul and get you in a better place mentally. Don’t you deserve it?!